I did not ask for a 12 hour slow mode to be applied to https://discuss.python.org/t/im-leaving-too/58408 , nor was I warned or advised of the possibility that such might occur. I can see no reason to stifle the discussion, and this only increases how long it takes for me to complete my promised feedback so that I can go in peace.

Further, while I understand that the hiding of one of my posts in that thread is the result of community flagging and not an explicit moderation action, I would like to petition for guidance. I can see nothing wrong with it and strongly considered immediately restoring it with only a trivial edit, but perhaps someone has a more specific idea.

I was asked to explain why I consider certain terminology (written into an official PSF policy document) offensive, dismissive of my views, and harmful; and why I have found such phrasing to have particular motivations. I responded clearly and in detail, drawing on 17 years of experience, citing my own experiences, fully researched essays written by others, my own prior research, etc.

I did not use profanity or epithets, I took special care not to express anger (but only hurt), and I laid out several of my core beliefs, while speaking plainly. I cannot fathom any way to impute hatred in anything I said. Even where I proposed that something was “morally unacceptable” I was explicit that this was a personal opinion. In short, it is as mild of a critique of feminism, “social justice” etc. as I know how to make. If the entire idea of doing so is off limits then please explicitly write that into the Code of Conduct, in as many words; and please do not say that this is a space for “being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences”. These are not fringe views - considering that identification “as a feminist” varies considerably depending on how the poll question is phrased and who does the polling, and is nowhere near universal, even among women.