Karl Knechtel (@kknechtel), in post 1:

a list which I owe to @FFY00

As planned. Specifically in re:

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19 of thread 57950:

If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, I would encourage you to let other people know, that is good feedback, which I personally find extremely helpful.

  1. The fact that the thread was posted makes me feel uncomfortable.

  2. The fact that it was started by an SC member even though the SC is supposedly not responsible for CoC matters generally, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  3. The fact that the thread tries to frame itself as a general friendly reminder, but transparently is really just calling out a core dev whom I respect deeply, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  4. The apparent refusal of the CoC WG to bring clarity to that situation, despite repeated requests, makes me uncomfortable.

  5. The way that the entire discussion is preemptively framed in such a distinctly well-poisoning way, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  6. Seeing Tim’s complaints being dismissed so offhandedly makes me feel uncomfortable.

  7. Being told that “routinely impatient and dismissive” people are a net loss for the community, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  8. Realizing that I’ve been forced to actually consider what the CoC says, despite that I generally have no interest in talking here about anything off-topic, and that I try to be kind and professional generally, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  9. Realizing that the many terrible, baseless things said and intimated about Jack Diederich four years ago were apparently not considered CoC violations, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  10. Knowing that the original context of this was a proposal to make it easier to oust PSF fellows (and most likely tarnish their reputation), and finding out after the fact that there are probably-but-not-confirmed subjects lined up for such treatment in advance, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  11. Knowing that the board proposes to make decisions in secret that are fundamentally about judging someone else’s moral character, makes me feel uncomfortable.

  12. Knowing that people have reached out to Tim before about fear of WG overreach, reminds me of so many other traumatic experiences from the last 17 years; and finding myself in this situation again makes me feel uncomfortable.

  13. Seeing that this policing of conduct is apparently a higher priority than seeing PyCon Africa run smoothly makes me feel uncomfortable.

  14. Seeing the general lack of respect in the original discussion for Joannah Nanjekye’s viewpoint (speaking as a core dev), in particular, in the first thread makes me feel uncomfortable.

  15. Your advice to me, proposing that I should take direction from the people responsible for most of the above, makes me feel uncomfortable.