Brett Cannon (@brettcannon), in post 75:

If it got hidden you could take the view that it shouldn’t have been a part of the discussion to begin with, so it was a mistake for it to exist at all.

One could take this view.

I choose not to, because I find this view offensive to my moral sensibilities.

Brett Cannon (@brettcannon), in post 75:

but CoC stuff is balanced with privacy on purpose (for both people reporting and those being reported)

Sorry, but this is simply untrue in practice. As I went through old threads containing and/or about major “incidents”, I found countless direct public callouts of supposed troublemakers (for things that I agreed were problematic maybe 10% of the time) by forum moderators invoking their authority as forum moderators, by core devs invoking their authority as core devs, by SC members invoking their authority as SC members, and by WG members invoking their authority as WG members. For example, you did it to David in this very thread.

And that’s without getting into ordinary users (or core devs acting in an apparent personal capacity) calling each other out. For example, I did it to you in response - but that was, in my own, humble, personal assessment, orders of magnitude gentler and more professional than what I’ve been seeing in my research.

Those might not have anything to do with official reports, but de facto it is how the community’s moderation is seen to work.