Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

Where is this example coming from?

From the current situation and the current thread. Unless you can posit other uses of emojis that the OP could possibly be referring to.

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

but from my impression “resisting” was simply continuing with the same, or similar, behavior after being warned by a moderator.

This changes nothing about what I said, because I saw no evidence of such behaviour.

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

I don’t think you should assume that was referring to the specific situation you have in mind. It’s a big leap

There was only one situation recognizable as even vaguely plausibly the referent of that call-out, in any of the publicly available evidence, so I honestly think it would be absurd for me to come to any other conclusion.

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

being the recipient of moderation

I find this to be an incredibly patronizing turn of phrase, and emblematic of everything about that entire paragraph that makes me unwilling to engage with it.

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

You shouldn’t feel like a rule-breaker, this is the main thing I have being trying to explain in this thread. You should see receiving moderation simply as receiving feedback.

I’m not at all impressed that you seek to tell me how I should feel about a perceived injustice, in the exact context of an explanation of how the Code of Conduct supposedly means that I should take the expressed feelings of others at face value and not tell them that they’re wrong to feel the way they do.

Like, I genuinely don’t understand how it’s possible to write something like that without immediately realizing the hypocrisy.

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

so if you are having trouble understanding or implementing the feedback, feel free to ask the moderators, or even contact the PSF CoC Work Group.

First off, why are they not the ones making this thread in the first place?

Second, do you seriously not understand that my lack of faith in those people is the exact problem here?

Third, no, it’s much worse than that. I’m telling you that I feel attacked in a space like this because of what I know about how the space is administered. Because I’m already mentally reliving past experiences. It turns out that the activists are right about one thing: getting into repeated Internet arguments where the premise is that you should have to defend your core values, whereas those of others are taken more or less for granted, takes a toll on people.1 Not only do I feel directly attacked, but I empathize with others who I’ve seen mistreated.2

And yet, you tell me that I should resolve my discomfort by asking for advice from the people responsible?3

Filipe Laíns (@FFY00), in post 19:

If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, I would encourage you to let other people know, that is good feedback, which I personally find extremely helpful.

I made a list of 15 things that make me feel uncomfortable about the situation. I’m saving it for my departure post.

  1. But I honestly feel it’s worse for me, because there aren’t entire rights organizations and activist groups campaigning for me. Because I fall into so many categories that are deemed not of concern, or even acceptable targets. Because I’m told that certain strands of activism are in fact looking out for me, even though I can point to ways that they are responsible, directly and indirectly, for harm that befalls me and others like me. Because self-identified activists from those movements have directly harassed and bullied me before. Because I constantly see rhetoric in advertising, news media, social media, everywhere that denies those harms - in some cases, takes as given that certain harms disproportionately affect other groups when literally the opposite is true. Because there aren’t literal institutional policies explicitly offering me an advantage, anywhere, while everywhere I turn I see the same for people in other groups. Because when I simply say these things I am habitually dismissed for not providing evidence; and when I provide evidence I am habitually dismissed with a tl;dr. Because when I’ve dared to make this argument in the past, it has resulted in me being expelled from other spaces. 

  2. Thank you, Tim, for letting me know that Jack was all right at the time. That doesn’t, in my mind, give me any reason to accept what I saw in that thread. Maybe you saw that incident as another example of “pot-stirring”, but to me, Jack was saying something completely reasonable that should have been much easier for everyone to understand and accept; and opposition was based on a blatant conflation of ideas - I would never excuse myself for what I consider such sloppy thinking. 

  3. I want to be clear here that I do not consider this a matter of “safety”, as one commonly discusses in this context (cf. the term “safe space”). In truth, I disagree that this is a concept relevant to any Internet space, because it can trivially be exited (i.e., unironically this). Which is part of why I’m planning my exit from here.